Plant Graded

Can Neon Pothos Revert?

Neon Pothos is a beautiful houseplant that can make your home look and feel brighter literally and figuratively. Its unique color makes the heart of many plant enthusiasts and collectors skip a beat. After all, only select houseplants boast such a vibrant color. It makes this plant a must-have in any collection.

can neon pothos revert

But while caring for Neon Pothos isn’t too different from the other Pothos species, it is still important to know and remember a few things to ensure that the plant grows healthy and well.

One common concern among owners of this plant has something to do with reverting. Can Neon Pothos revert?

Yes, Neon Pothos can revert to a solid green color and get smaller if you grow it in conditions with lower light. If you want to ensure that your Neon Pothos retains its vibrant chartreuse color, it is a must to observe the proper lighting it needs. If you have a lower light condition, you will be better off with a Jade Pothos, a variety with solid green leaves.

Why Do Neon Pothos Revert?

When you speak of reverting, it refers to the process of the Neon Pothos’ bright-green leaves turning into a darker green shade. The most typical reason why Neon Pothos revert is when it doesn’t get enough low temperatures and indirect sunlight.

To address this problem, you can put your Neon Pothos close to a sunlit window. Just make sure that it is out of harsh direct sunlight. You also have to maintain a room temperature between 55 to 90 degrees Fahrenheit or 15 to 32 degrees Celsius.

Your Neon Pothos should also be kept away from fluctuating temperatures or cold drafts.

Light Requirements of Neon Pothos

Neon Pothos can adapt to various partial light conditions. The houseplant likes indirect light for its neon leaves to stay healthy and bright.

Excessive sunlight can make this plant turn leggy. It is best to put the plant close to a bright window that is still away from the direct sun.

Humidity and Temperature Requirements of Neon Pothos

All Pothos species, including Neons, are native to subtropical climates. It means that these plants prefer moderate to above-average humidity and temperature levels.

An average household can offer the right levels of both. The ideal temperatures are from 55 to 90 degrees Fahrenheit or 15 to 32 degrees Celsius. A 50% level of humidity is already enough but anything higher than this can help your Neon grow much faster.

Bathrooms and kitchens create the best environments for the plant. Make sure that your Neon gets enough light or else, the leaves will end up losing their lovely vibrant hue. Brown leaf tips are a common sign that there is an extremely low humidity level. You can correct the problem if you move the plant to a room that receives more natural humidity or you add a humidifier to the room.

Soil Requirements of Neon Pothos

Neon Pothos needs well-draining soil for optimum growth. While the standard soil for houseplants works well, you can improve the quality of the soil further if you add any of the following to the soil before you start planting:

  • One part orchid bark
  • One part perlite
  • One part peat

Neons prefer planting soil with a pH level of 6.1 to 6.5. It is also acceptable to use soil with a pH that is a level or two lower. Although you can also use water jars to grow this houseplant, expect that the growth rate will be slower compared to growing it in soil.

Water Requirements of Neon Pothos

Root rot is probably the most common issue that people deal with when growing their Neon Pothos. It often occurs if the soil is too soggy, or you leave the roots standing in water.

To prevent soggy soil, you can grow your Neon in pots with drainage holes at the bottom. Make sure that you only water your Neon Pothos until the soil becomes just moist enough.

Drain the drainage tray right away if it collects excess water. Proper care for Neon Pothos should include a regular schedule for watering. Test if the plant requires watering. To do it, you can put your finger into the soil of the plant.

It is time for you to water the plant if the top two to three inches of soil are already dry. You are already overwatering if the leaves of your Neon have started to wilt and turn yellow. If the leaves of the plant start to become lifeless and curl, it might indicate excessive watering.

Fertilizer Requirements of Neon Pothos

You should fertilize your Neon Pothos once monthly during the months of spring and summer using a balanced houseplant fertilizer. You don’t have to apply any fertilizer in fall or winter since the plants are not actively growing during this period.

If you are not sure of the soil’s nutrient levels, you can always use a home soil testing kit that you can find in many greenhouses that sell houseplants.

Growth Habits of Neon Pothos

Neon Pothos is a vine that grows to a length of 10 feet, making them a great option for hanging baskets. However, you can also grow them in traditional pots with regular pruning. Each vine should be pruned an inch or two above a healthy leaf. Remove all lifeless vines at the base.

To ensure optimal growth of your Pothos plant, you can repot it every two or three years. You should start the plant in the pot measuring 4 to 6 inches. After the vines of the plant grow at a length of six inches or more, you can repot it to a 10-inch pot.

The Bottom Line

Yes, your Neon Pothos can revert or lose their beautiful color if it receives too little or too much light. To avoid reverting, make sure you don’t expose the plant to direct sunlight, and instead, give it only as much indirect sunlight as needed. This way, you can maintain its amazing hue that is guaranteed to add a touch of life to your home.