Plant Graded

Do Monsteras Go Dormant?

The Monstera is known for being a very resilient houseplant. But just like other plants, it needs extra loving care during the winter months, especially if you are living in an area that can get really cold.

do monsteras go dormant

Do Monsteras go dormant in the winter, then? Yes, Monsteras go dormant once the winter season starts. During this time, you need to water your Monstera just once every two weeks. Aside from this, it is also necessary to install a humidifier to add some moisture to heated dry air to keep your plant happy and healthy.

What Happens to Monsteras in the Winter?

Monstera plants are naturally tropical so when winter comes, they go into a dormancy period. During this time, the growth of the plant slows down or even completely stops.

It is also important to remember that Monsteras cannot survive freezing temperatures. Some Monstera plants also start struggling once the temperatures go lower than 50° Fahrenheit or 10° Celsius.

Common Signs That Your Monstera is Struggling in Winter

When your Monstera looks like it is having a hard time in winter, it probably is. All plants, including Monsteras, communicate their needs through leaves turning yellow or drooping.

When winter comes, it is important to keep a close eye on your Monstera plant and watch out for the following common signs that will tell you that it is having a hard time.

Mushy Dark Leaves

If the leaves of your Monstera are becoming mushy, dark, and droopy to the point that they almost look like they have been cooked, it means that they have already been exposed to freezing temperatures and are dead already.

When this happens, move the plant away from the cold spot. You can bring it indoors or keep it a safe distance away from drafty windows. You also need to remove all the dead parts by cutting them using a clean pair of pruning shears.

The good news is that it shouldn’t be a cause for worry because as long as the primary stem is not completely mushed, your Monstera is still alive, and start growing some new leaves once it is ready. Just make sure you cut back on fertilizer and water until signs of new growth become visible.

Drooping Leaves 

If your Monstera has drooping leaves, it often implies that your plant is thirsty. However, it might also be a sign of shock. Your plant might look droopy for several days after moving it inside the house for the cold winter months.

But if the leaves of your Monstera still seem droopy even after several days, make sure you check the soil using a soil meter or even your finger. If the plant’s soil is dry, it means that it is time to give it a good deep watering.

But if the soil is wet enough, it is likely that it is suffering from root rot and should be repotted to fresh soil.

Yellow Leaves 

Your Monstera plant getting yellow leaves may indicate several things. Maturing plants commonly allow their oldest leaves to shrivel up and die while they breathe a new dose of energy into their new shiny big leaf with plenty of fenestrations.

There is no need for you to worry about anything if there are just a few leaves turning yellow. However, you have to be careful because once almost all the leaves have turned yellow, it is time to do some careful inspection to identify the problem.

More often than not, it indicates overwatering. Be sure to check the soil to confirm that it isn’t too wet than necessary. On the other hand, if the leaves are yellow with brown tips, it might mean that the Monstera requires more humidity.

Meanwhile, yellowish spots on new and old leaves at the same time are a sign that it is time to start looking for pests. Sadly, winter is the time when you can expect serious nuisance from houseplant pests.

How to Care for Your Monsteras in Winter

Now that you know that Monsteras can go dormant in winter, here are other helpful tips to help you care for your beloved plant.

Adjust the Position of Your Monstera for Optimum Lighting

Your house will receive less sunlight every day during the winter if you are further from the equator. Weaker sunlight and shorter days will make your plant have a slowed down growth during the winter months.

Your Monstera will also enter the pseudo dormancy stage, which is not real dormancy similar to how deciduous trees go through they lose leaves during the fall season.

To ensure that your plant stays happy, see to it that it gets enough sunlight possible without suffering a sunburn.

Check for Pests Regularly

You need to keep a close eye on pests if your Monstera is kept outdoors during summer and is brought indoors once the cold months kick in. Monstera plants tend to attract several primary pests, namely scale insects like mealybugs and spider mites.

Cut Back on Fertilizer

Only actively growing plants require fertilizer. As stated earlier, Monsteras will have a slowed down growth during the winter or even stop growing completely. It is best to cut back on fertilizer once the winter months begin and just allow the plant to rest in its dormancy.

Reduce Watering Frequency

Your Monstera wouldn’t need as much water during the winter season because it is not actively growing. It is best to schedule watering once every couple of weeks and ensure that both the soil and pot have proper drainage.

Increase Room Humidity

Being tropical plants, Monsteras love high humidity at 80% or even higher. While this might not be a problem during warm summer months, during the winter, most houses tend to get dry for as low as 20% humidity when the heaters are running. These numbers are too low for your Monstera to stay happy. Ensure that your Monstera gets enough humidity once winter arrives.

The Bottom Line

Yes, Monsteras go dormant. But even during dormancy, it is important to take care of your plant properly for it to be happy and healthy until winter is over.