Plant Graded

Why is My Philodendron Birkin Drooping?

The Philodendron Birkin is one of the most gorgeous houseplants that more and more people want to have in their homes. The huge dark green leaves of the Philodendron Birkin have delicate white stripes that become more visible as it gets older.

why is my philodendron birkin drooping

Although the Birkin is not the easiest Philodendron to grow and care for, it only requires straightforward maintenance. You shouldn’t have any issue keeping it alive if you have some experience taking care of houseplants.

However, just like other plants, it will also suffer from some issues, like drooping. Why is my Philodendron Birkin drooping, you ask?

One of the most common signs that your Philodendron Birkin doesn’t feel right is when the whole plant starts to look droopy and limp. Your Philodendron Birkin is probably drooping because of an environmental factor that causes significant stress on the plant. Excessive water, disease, insufficient water, and low temperatures are the most possible culprits here.

Here is an overview of the top reasons why your Philodendron Birkin is drooping:


A disease called fire blight might be the reason why your Philodendron Birkin is drooping. The disease can easily spread to the entire system of your plant in just a short period. the leaves of your Birkin will turn discolored, and the stems and leaves alike will start drooping. In addition to drooping your plant will also exhibit weird lesions on the stems and even smell bad.

As long as you catch the fire blight early on, it will give you a small window of opportunity to save your plant. Dip your pruning shears in isopropyl alcohol to disinfect them before cutting off all the infected branches. You also need to heat-sterilize the soil.

You can also use an antibiotic named streptomycin during the initial signs of the disease.

Low Temperatures

A native to the tropics, the Philodendron Birkin thrives well in warm temperatures. It means that the plant is not suitable for households with chilly indoor temperatures.

Even if you might not notice the leak of cold air through the cracks in your windows and doors, if the plant is right beside them, the constant stream of cold air coming from the outdoors can lead to serious damage and shock to your Birkin.

Be sure to insulate any doors or windows nearby to ensure that your plants stay safe during the winter season. When the summer months kick in, on the other hand, keep your plant away from all nearby air conditioning vents since the cold air they emit can also be dangerous even if the outdoor weather is warm.

Keeping your Philodendron Birkin inside a cold room will make it more prone to root rot and overwatering. Since it will take much longer for the soil to dry out, your Birkin will need water less frequently.

Issues like root rot will most probably happen in such conditions. This is why it is important to take the necessary precautionary measures when caring for your plants in the colder areas of the house or during the winter season.

The recommended room temperature for Philodendron Birkin is from 60 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit. Avoid exposing your plant to higher or lower temperatures than this range to reduce the risk of drooping as a result of temperature changes.

Insufficient Water

Your Philodendron Birkin might also be drooping because of inadequate watering. When you are too busy with your life and you have a lot on your plate, it is easy to forget to water your plants, only to realize that it has been weeks since you last gave them something to drink.

Constant underwatering may lead to different problems, such as the death of your plant if you don’t address the issue right away. The leaves of your Birkin can also droop even with occasional underwatering.

Once the leaves of the plant become too droopy and dry, you can assume that underwatering is the cause of the issue. But before you increase the frequency of watering, remove your plant from its pot and use your fingers to feel if the potting mix is dry. You want to confirm that the issue is indeed due to underwatering or else, you might end up incorrectly overwatering your plant.

After you made sure that the soil is totally dry and the drooping was the result of underwatering, you can start to reintroduce watering little by little.

It can be too tempting to drown your plant in water to make up for the time it didn’t get enough water. However, doing so may only lead to more brown leaves and damage. Sudden changes in the environment can shock plants.

The most effective and recommended way to water a thirsty Philodendron Birkin is to do so in small amounts one or two times a day weekly.

Excessive Water

Philodendron Birkin may also droop because of overwatering. You can overwater your plant in many ways, such as giving it excessive water when you water it; not adjusting the watering habits according to the changes in season, climate, or weather; using pots or soil with poor drainage, and watering more frequently than you should.

When a plant is overwatered, the leaves will be quite mushy and soft to the touch. If the soil doesn’t drain fast enough, its roots will continue absorbing water to the extent that the cells in the leaves will burst from the overload, resulting in a mushy texture.

Since the soil cannot drain the excess water, the entire root system of the plant will start to rot. When the root system becomes weak, the plant will lose the ability to absorb the necessary nutrients. The roots will also be unable to support the growth of the plant. As a result, the leaves and stems will start to droop.

If you cannot address the root rot early on, the problem can soon turn from bad to worse, and your Birkin might eventually die.

If you have overwatered your Philodendron Birkin and are starting to show signs of drooping, stop watering and allow the soil to dry out completely. Before you water it again. ensure that the top two inches of the soil have dried out fully.